Montag, 12. Mai 2014

Dont fuck with the Union boy !

This establishment is under new management, didn't you get the memo ?

Samstag, 29. März 2014



Mittwoch, 26. Februar 2014

Delusions of Grandeur

Hiss Hiss Hiss
all you want
Bliss Bliss Bliss
is all that you can't

I know that I know nothing

What is the pursuit of knowledge
Why do we even bother going to college
Is it for man or for the machine
and do we read the lines or the inbetween

Questions unanswered whispering away
should I go or should I stay
and who to ask and who to sway

Who is the good and who is the bad
is this right or just the newest fad

Will you let me know
or do I have to let you go
Will you finally believe
there's so much more we can achieve

I only accept your unconditional surrender !